I no longer jumped up in the chair when she squirted cold water on my tooth! All the pain is gone.


FA CHI IMAGE I am experimenting with increasing the feeling of ONENESS

in the Healing Circle by seeing the people in the center of the circle as a

swirling ball of gold light that pulsates with each Hao-La and gets brighter

and brighter until the whole circle becomes this swirling golden ball

expanding out to the Universe in all directions. (this came spontaneously to

me at Kaua'i .) The individuals soon disappear and we all become this ball of

light. Then lately in a Healing Circle last Saturday I used a focused idea.

I saw this woman's teeth pulsating with sparkling gold light getting

brighter with each Hao-La. and afterwards she said she felt tingling chi in

her teeth! I had been using the La Chi and saw the same image on my own

tooth that was hurting several weeks ago and I just went to the Dentist this

week. I no longer jumped up in the chair when she squirted cold water on

my tooth! All the pain is gone. So I am thinking that this simple image of

pulsating gold light might be easy for many to visualize TOGETHER. Just

like my experience with spoon-bending where everyone visualized THE SAME

IMAGE (the result= a bent spoon) we had instant results! Do you think that

if we all visualized the same image (pulsating swirling gold sphere expanding

and getting brighter) we could get instant results also??? I am

experimenting with this Saturday..