Healing Good News for Parkinson 's

A mighty ocean is made up of drops of water. A great healing chi-field is made up of individual healing stories. Every healing story is a story of love --the love of oneself and others through ups and downs. Every healing story is a story of  triumph -- the triumph of one's spirit over one's temporarily setback. Life is no guarantee. We love life as it comes.  

My neurologist says I'm doing better than 95%...

 Margaret Santon 

Toronto, Canada

In Reply to: parkinsons posted by Marcus Peerman on November 03, 1999 at 13:18:58:

: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marcus Peerman and I work in London as a producer I am married with two children. Just recently my nerves have become very rattled and my arm has started to tremble along with finding it hard to co-ordinate my right leg, arm and hand movement. I have been for professional advice, had scans, etc and have been told every thing is normal however they are of the opinion that my brain is not getting enough dopamine that helps the motoneuron engine that helps movement and the relaxing of muscles (as I do get back ache on the right side as well as my shoulder). Their advice is that I have a related symptom to Parkinson's (which I still do not accept) and should start to take dopamine in chemical form however I am very skeptical of their diagnosis as I am a strong believer in acupuncture and alternative medicine and at the moment I am taking ginseng, wild oats and ardent vent - homeopathic medicine for stress and nerves and have regular Ki and Bio therapy as well as walking a lot. I do not want to take chemicals for the rest of my life to restore the imbalance in my body and I am determined to find an alternative way rather then filling my body with chemicals needing stronger and stronger doses in order to treat the effect and not the cause. I would very much appreciate it if you can give me some advice and direction I would greatly appreciate it from the depths of my life.

: With my deep respect
: Marcus Peerman

Hi Marcus,
I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1996 after having symptoms (tremor in one arm and discomfort walking) for about three years. I'm 54 now. It was a while before I accepted it and I will not accept the conventional medical view that it's incurable. In the fall of /96 I started practicing Chi lel after a 3 day workshop with Luke and Frank. I've been on the China trip since and practice every day. I don't practice a long time but find the regularity essential. I've gone for months earlier on practicing 3 hours a day but now get just as much benefit from an hour. I take amantadine which is a drug that's useful early on in PD and has few side effects. My neurologist says I'm doing better than 95% of his patients with the same length history of the disease. I feel very good and do all the things I've always done. I'm sure the Chi lel practice is greatly responsible for this fact. I'm careful with diet too, of course, and take some alternative therapies as well. If you'd like to contact me directly, my e-mail is msanton@attcanada.net.

Much loving chi,


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