How
would
you
describe
the
self-healing
method
you
teach?
ChiLel
Qigong--as
prescribed
by
the
Center,
the
largest
medicineless
hospital
in
China--has
been
used
to
treat
a
wide
range
of
conditions:
cancer,
diabetes,
arthritis,
and
all
the
so-called
hard-to-treat
illnesses.
The
method
was
developed
by
Dr.
Pang,
a
qigong
Grandmaster
and
medical
doctor
trained
in
both
Western
and
Chinese
medicine.
The
spirit
of
Chi
Lel
is
love
and
compassion,
the
cornerstone
of
self-healing.
The
method
takes
about
minutes
to
do.
It
combines
visualization
with
a
series
of
gentle
movements
that
can
be
learned
easily
by
anyone
wanting
to
improve
and
sustain
health
and
wellness.
What
is
qigong?
Qigong
is
two
words:
qi
(pronounced
chi)
and
gong.
Gong
means
a
long
period
of
daily
effort.
For
instance,
you
can
do
something
for
days
and
accomplish
one
gong.
Qi
or
chi
is
the
source
of
everything,
the
building
block
of
all
things.
Human
beings
are
made
of
living
cells,
and
when
we
look
into
each
cell
we
see
a
membrane,
the
nucleus
and
so
on.
Then
if
you
look
further
into
that
structure
you’ll
see
atoms--electrons,
protons,
and
neutrons.
And
if
you
look
even
further,
scientists
now
tell
us
that
they
can
see
energy
there.
However,
according
to
the
5,000-year-old
Chinese
qigong
theory,
if
you
go
beyond
scientific
measurement--this
is
called
the
chi
level.
We
can
communicate
with
the
chi
level
using
our
minds
to
do
different
things,
such
as
healing.
How
does
Chi
Lel
connect
with
the
chi
level?
Chi
Lel
consists
of
three
things,
the
first
being
exercise.
Some
people
have
an
emotional
or
psychological
problem,
and
the
exercise
helps
them
because
as
their
bodies
follow
the
movements,
their
minds
become
calmer,
healthier.
The
second
thing
is
imagery
or
visualization.
While
we
are
doing
the
movements,
we
incorporate
images.
An
example
would
be,
“Think
blue
sky,
and
then
think
about
your
body.”
So
it
involves
the
mind
also,
and
increases
the
chance
of
recovery.
The
third
thing
would
be
affirmation,
or
prayer.
You
believe
something
and
you
affirm
it,
you’re
not
asking
for
anything.
You
affirm
to
yourself
that
your
illness
disappears,
so
deep
in
your
mind,
every
time
you
do
Chi
Lel
you
are
affirming
“I
am
healthy
now.”
You
believe
it
and
it
happens.
Is
Chi
Lel
anything
like
something
we’re
more
familiar
with--Tai
Chi
or
Reiki
or
yoga?
The
method
has
some
movement
that
is
very
similar
to
Tai
Chi;
the
posture,
for
example.
But
this
exercise
doesn’t
have
the
complexity
of
a
martial
art
like
Tai
Chi,
and
is
much
easier
to
learn.
Yoga
uses
the
same
system
of
chakras.
The
purpose
is
to
get
the
body
centered,
so
again,
it’s
similar,
yet
ours
is
a
continuous
movement
instead
of
holding
different
postures.
Reiki
is
a
Japanese
word.
Ki
means
the
same
as
the
Chinese
word
chi.
And
rei
corresponds
to
another
Chinese
word
meaning
universal
or
magical.
We
use
the
same
universal
energy;
however,
in
Reiki
the
power
is
achieved
through
initiation
rather
than
through
self-cultivation.
Do
shiatsu
and
massage
use
this
technique?
Shiatsu
practitioners
and
massage
therapists
use
their
hands
on
the
body,
so
they
transmit
energy
by
direct
contact.
In
Chi
Lel
we
don’t
touch,
but
we
use
the
same
12-meridian
system
as
shiatsu
and
acupuncture.
If,
for
example,
somebody
has
heart
disease,
an
acupuncturist
would
not
put
needles
into
the
heart,
but
rather
somewhere
in
the
meridian
that
pass
through
the
heart,
to
unblock
the
meridian
so
the
chi
can
pass
through.
In
Chi
Lel
we
have
a
lot
of
hand
movements
that
open
up
the
heart
meridian,
so
we
kind
of
massage
the
heart.
We
use
the
meridian
system
to
stimulate
the
heart
without
increasing
its
workload
as
you
would,
for
example,
if
you
ran
on
treadmill.
Because
it’s
very
gentle,
it’s
suitable
for
everyone,
even
the
old
and
the
very
ill.
So
even
those
who
are
very
sick
can
practice
Chi
Lel?
At
the
Center,
if
you
cannot
move,
you
use
your
mind
to
do
the
movements.
And
if
you
can
move
your
hands,
you
move
your
hands.
If
you
can
only
do
it
laying
down,
you
do
it
laying
down,
and
if
you
can
stand
up,
you
do
it
standing
up.
So
it
is
for
everybody.
Your
book
is
titled
Miracles
of
Natural
Healing.
What
do
you
mean
by
miracle?
have
footage
of
a
cancer
disappearing,
as
seen
via
ultrasound,
when
qigong
masters
were
emitting
chi
to
a
patient.
They
did
not
even
touch
the
patient;
they
were
communicating
on
the
chi
level.
They
were
saying,
“Disappear,
dissolve.
Disappear,
dissolve,”
and
the
cancer
literally
disappeared
on
the
ultrasound
screen.
They
commanded
the
chi
level
of
the
cancer
to
dissolve.
This
is
spontaneous
healing,
and
it
can
occur
in
a
few
seconds--not
hours
or
days.
Now
every
medical
doctor
who
is
in
practice
long
enough
knows
that
this
happen
occasionally.
urologist
told
me
that
in
his
years
of
medical
practice
he
had
two
cases
where
a
patient
came
in
almost
dying,
and
the
next
day
had
completely
recovered
with
no
medical
explanation.
However,
at
the
Center
they
study
this
phenomenon
using
thousands
of
people
the
same
time,
creating
an
environment
where
spontaneous
healing
can
occur
more
readily.
Every
day
at
the
Center,
many
so-called
incurable
diseases
miraculously
disappear.
If
spontaneous
healing
can
occur,
do
we
still
need
to
practice
Chi
Lel
every
day?
There
are
two
concepts
at
work
here:
one
is
spontaneous
healing,
and
the
other
is
continuous
healing.
At
the
Center
the
theory
is
that
every
time
you
work
on
yourself,
you
affirm
that
the
illness
disappears
in
that
moment.
If
your
condition
comes
back
again
in
the
next
day,
it
will
be
a
new
disease.
So
you
work
on
yourself
every
day,
because
with
that
mindset,
you
have
a
better
chance
that
the
illness
will
disappear
in
that
moment.
Also
by
doing
that
you
prevent
future
illness.
Can
anyone
emit
chi
to
someone
else?
Yes,
once
they’ve
learned
the
method.
At
the
Center,
the
teachers
emit
chi
to
the
students
hours
a
day,
seven
days
a
week.
But
they
aren’t
using
their
own
energy.
There
is
a
fine
line
between
universal
chi
and
what
the
Chinese
call
dantian
chi,
your
own
energy.
So
sometimes
you
may
think
you
are
using
universal
energy
but
you
are
actually
giving
off
your
chi.
The
way
they
teach
at
the
Center
is
to
think
of
gathering
the
chi
from
the
universe
into
that
person
and
yourself
at
the
same
time,
so
two
people
become
one.
What’s
the
origin
of
Chi
Lel?
Chi
Lel
qigong
was
started
by
Dr.
Pang
back
in
the
‘70s,
before
China
opened
its
borders
to
tourists,
when
he
was
working
in
a
hospital
as
a
physician.
At
that
time
the
Chinese
didn’t
believe
in
qigong.
Dr.
Pang
had
to
practice
in
secret
because
the
government
would
not
allow
anything
that
could
not
be
perceived
by
the
senses--it
was
considered
suspicious.
So
when
no
other
doctors
were
around,
he
would
emit
chi
to
his
patients.
All
his
patients
were
getting
well,
even
those
with
incurable
diseases.
Then
after
China
opened
up
in
the
early
‘80s,
Dr.
Pang
started
to
teach
openly.
More
than
million
people
in
China
have
learned
his
method.
As
a
physician
and
a
scientist,
Dr.
Pang
knew
that
for
people
to
treat
this
healing
method
with
respect,
it
had
to
be
proven
scientifically.
He
concluded
that
the
data
accumulated
by
treating
a
large
number
of
patients
would
be
one
way
to
prove
it
was
effective.
So
in
he
started
a
nonprofit
clinic
and
treated
patients
using
qigong--no
medicine,
no
special
diets.
The
first
center
later
expanded
and
moved
to
the
present
hospital,
about
two
hours
from
Beijing.
Since
then,
people
have
come
from
all
over
China.
An
average
of
4,000
to
5,000
people,
both
patients
and
working
personnel,
are
in
the
hospital
all
the
time.
They
don’t
advertise,
so
how
do
they
get
so
many
people?
It’s
word
of
mouth.
When
someone’s
cancer
disappears,
he
or
she
goes
back
and
tells
their
friends.
As
more
people
practice
in
their
hometowns,
they
send
“incurables”
to
the
Center--which
doesn’t
take
reservations.
Remember,
word
of
mouth
works
both
ways;
if
it
weren’t
good,
people
wouldn’t
come.
Can
people
really
learn
the
method
in
your
two-day
workshop?
Many
people
who
go
to
the
Center
with
terminal
illnesses
must
learn
now
or
never;
therefore
the
method
must
be
simple
and
effective.
teach
the
same
method
taught
at
the
Center.
Learning
is
easy
because
we
have
audio
tapes
to
follow,
you
don’t
need
to
memorize
it.
So
the
first
day
you
get
the
benefit
immediately,
then
you
have
the
tape
to
practice
at
home,
and
you
do
it
for
days.
After
days
it
becomes
a
habit,
just
like
brushing
your
teeth.
You
move
to
a
higher
level
of
wellness,
instead
of
just
an
absence
of
illness.
Traditionally,
it
took
years
to
learn
qigong,
but
those
days
are
past.
Learning
is
not
so
difficult;
the
consistency
of
practicing
everyday
is
the
challenge.
We
have
support
groups
and
newsletters
after
the
workshops,
and
we
have
a
practice
with
Dr.
Pang
leading
the
whole
world
every
full
moon.
Do
you
tell
people
to
throw
away
their
medicine?
Oh
no!
Once
you’ve
been
taught
you
go
home
and
practice,
and
then
when
the
chi
arrives
in
your
body,
you
feel
good,
and
gradually
you
can
use
less
and
less
medicine.
Your
body
will
tell
you
what
to
do.
Because
it
is
a
self-healing
method,
you
become
your
own
doctor.
Do
you
ever
take
people
to
China?
Twice
a
year
take
people
to
China
for
training
so
they
can
teach--we
bring
the
technology
back
to
the
U.S.
It’s
not
that
I’m
the
master
and
you
follow
me--this
was
the
old
style.
You
learn
it,
and
then
from
the
first
day
you
are
the
master
on
your
own.
What
makes
someone
a
good
Chi-Lel
teacher?
good
Chi-Lel
teacher
is
someone
with
a
good
heart.
Actually,
everybody
is
a
healer.
mother
holding
and
loving
her
baby
is
emitting
loving
chi,
so
the
baby
grows
faster
and
happier.
With
a
loving
heart,
patients
or
students
can
respond
faster
and
better.
During
a
workshop
situation,
we
organize
a
chi
field.
The
whole
group
synchronizes
their
thinking,
and
then,
because
everybody
is
filled
with
chi
energy,
just
like
everybody
carries
candlelight,
the
whole
room
brightens
up.
They
found
out
at
the
Center
that
spontaneous
healing
happens
most
frequently
in
a
group
of
people
gathered
in
a
loving,
relaxed
atmosphere;
suddenly
things
happen.
So
it
is
not
my
power
when
people
experience
spontaneous
healing
in
my
workshops;
it’s
everybody’s
power.
Everybody
is
equal,
according
to
Dr.
Pang,
because
we
are
all
made
of
the
same
chi.
Just
as
in
a
workshop
we
breathe
the
same
air,
so
the
spirit
of
the
Center
is
without
discrimination.
In
a
regular
hospital
they
treat
you
differently
because
you
are
a
patient.
But
in
the
Center
you
are
considered
a
student
because
you
are
learning
a
self-healing
art.
They
don’t
treat
you
like
a
patient,
they
give
you
dignity
and
say
“You
can
do
it!”
When
you
arrive
they
say,
“You
have
the
fighting
spirit--we
will
give
you
the
method,
we
will
coach
you.”
People
from
different
parts
of
China
live
together,
and
very
soon
they
become
friends
and
help
each
other.
It’s
a
group
spirit.
Does
every
disease
use
the
same
method?
Yes,
the
beauty
of
the
thing
is
that
it’s
so
simple.
It’s
all
the
same,
whether
you
have
cancer
or
just
want
to
maintain
your
health,
because
we
are
talking
about
the
meridian
system.
document
this
in
Miracles
when
asked
the
same
question
of
people
with
a
variety
of
disease,
from
paralysis
to
diabetes,
cancer
to
fibroid
tumors:
What
goes
through
your
mind?
And
they
told
me
what
went
through
their
minds
doing
the
same
work,
doing
the
same
movements.
You
don’t
need
to
relearn
every
disease;
it’s
simple,
yet
very
profound.
And
the
success
is
phenomenal.
In
all
documented
cases,
it
effective
rate
is
95%
What
is
your
goal
for
Chi
Lel?
My
goal?
One
million
Americans
will
practice
Chi
Lel
daily
by
2006.
How
many
Americans
brush
their
teeth
everyday?
One
hundred
million?
Everyone,
because
they
know
it
protects
their
teeth.
People
will
start
to
practice
Chi-Lel
once
they
realize
it
strengthens
their
body.
The
stage
has
been
set:
am
ready,
Dr.
Pang
is
ready
and
Chi
Lel
is
ready.
Now
we
invite
you
to
become
part
of
it.
Are
you
ready?
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